Originally Posted By Scott Baker
I'm a 36 year male interested in adopting a girl in the 7-10 age range. I am being told by the Dept. of Children and Families (FL) that no law or rule exists denying a Man to adopt a girl...but no counselor will approve such an arrangement. Is it possible for me to adopt a girl?
Is there some reason you feel better equipped to parent a girl? As an adoption worker, a male who was interested only in adopting a girl would certainly raise red flags. I think caution is justified and it would be up to you to present your case.
I cant say for the starter of this post.
But my self I do have reason I would rather adopt a girl then a
I'm open to a boy but I feel a boy would be best.
Due to i'm disabled and not able to do all the sports and things
that are more common with boys.
Now girls do get into them I know this but it's not as offten.
If I did adopt one and it got into sports I would do my best
to be supportive and go along with it.
Also A big reason for me
is My mom wants a grandaughter very bad.
She planed on having another child or maby adopting after me
And was hopping to try and have alittle girl.
But once I was born with alot of problems she
Stopped with that due to she had to take care of me.
So in a way I feel I would be giving back to her.
Also I have had more experance with girls then boys.
SO those are my reason there
and I feel they are understandable.
But It should be noted I'm open to a child
no matter if it's a girl or a boy.
But I'm trying to look out for the best intrest of the child to.
Thanks bye!.
Originally posted by dap
Is there some reason you feel better equipped to parent a girl? As an adoption worker, a male who was interested only in adopting a girl would certainly raise red flags. I think caution is justified and it would be up to you to present your case.
Raise red flags? I certainly know that there are some sick people out there, but why should that small percent of men prevent a good man who wishes to raise a daughter from doing so? I completely agree with thourough checks. not only on single men, but everyone who wishes to adopt. Singling out a specific group of hopeful adoptive parents for extra scruitiny that is well beyond what the others get is just plain wrong. I'd like to see everyone scruitinized at that level.
As a single man who will one day adopt, I cannot help but be worried that if I state my wish for a Daughter it will be greeted by raised eyebrows and red flags. It is a sad situation when a good man such as myself and the other men who have posted here are looked upon immediatly as bad people simply because our preference is to raise daughters. Most of us, I would imagine are open to sons as well, but do resent the implications that are made, directly or indirectly when we say we'd really rather have daughters. Are single women wanting sons treated with such scrutiny?
I do know that my Agency has helped Single Men adopt both Girls and Boys! Good luck.... there are so great Agencys!
First of all, you are dealing with perhaps the most conservative state in the county with respect to adoption law and attitude. It is in fact the only state in the county that prohibits gay adoption, and I'm not surprised to hear that the attitude delves into gender sterotyping as well.
If there is no law prohibiting it, then find a private agency that will be you advocate!
I actually am very dis-enchanted with adopting from UKRAINE! I am finding out that if you have the money, you can push others out of the way and move right ahead of them! I thought adopting was a Humanitarine thing, not all about the money! So if you have the $ you can get that girl... I know my agency is charging 50,000.00 for single males to adopt.... so don't say it can't be done.... your homestudy will cover any red flags!
This post is in response to the previous post from Neicey.
This person is currently bitter towards adopting from Ukraine. Her appointment in Ukraine was cancelled - not because of money issues but because she omitted information from her home study that would have prevented her from adopting from Ukraine. If you are interested in additional information feel free to contact me at
actually, when my wife and i started to talk about adoption, she wanted a boy and i wanted a little girl. As time went on, We ended up with two boys. Its amazing how you never know how this is going to work out.
We feel in love with these little guys.
I can understand why it might be diffulcult for you to adopt a girl from the state that your in. I do agree with one of the posters, they dont even let gay/lesbians adopt i cant imagine how they look at single guys wanting a girl.
Regarding your disability, not sure what it is, but sometimes pending on how severe it is, that might come into question also.
I really have no suggestions for you, i think due to the state your in, you might have to wait, but keep making your phonecalls, and do what you have to do. Plus, you mentioned a 7-10 yr old, sometimes the children might say they want a 'mommy ' so you also have to realize that the older the child is, they have a wright to say who they want to be adopted by also.
I really hope you do well in your quest for adopting a girl. I, myself am looking forward to adopting a girl when the time is right. And I too have my reasons for preferring a girl over a boy. First of all, preference. Ive had allot more experience with girls in the past 13 years. Depending on the age of the child, and how theyҒve been raised or treated up until the adoption placement, I believe that girls are easier to handle. Now dont get me wrong, I know that girls can be rough, too. But I still believe that girls are easier to handle.
I also want the bonding that is more commonly shown in girls. I love to show affection, not only verbally, but through hugs, kisses and pats on the back. I love when IҒm visiting w/friends and there oldest of 3 girls comes to me at bedtime wanting me to read a story to her and her sisters.
As much as I would love to help my daughter through any of her questions or tough times, I know that there is going to be times where shes going to need guidance from a grown female.
IҒm not gay in any way whatsoever, and I know that issues are going to arise regarding my sexuality. But Ive wanted a child since I was 14; IҒve wanted that child to be a girl since I was 17. Now Im about to turn 26, I have an informational meeting with the Department of Social Services on the 26th of this month and I hope to get the ball rolling soon.
IҒve been asked, Why donӒt you wait and find a wife and have a child of your own? As I said before, IԒm not gay in any way. But dating isnt on my priority list. If I find someone for me, thatҒs great. If I dont, thatҒs great, too. I would love to raise a child in a home with a loving mother as well, but Ive also got to admit that IҒm scared to death of loosing a child due to relationship problems.
Ive also been asked, ғWhat are you going to do with your child if you find a girl that doesnt get along with your child?Ҕ Well, that ones easy. Ive made the decision to adopt a little girl, every decision I make, from the time my daughter is placed in my home is going to affect her. MY DAUGHTER COMES FIRST!!!
I want to thank each and every one who takes the time to read this post. Please feel free to reply and be honest. IҒve already been ridiculed, rejected and labeled. Nothing you say to me could be any worse.
I too wish for be a father of my daughter... I wish to adobt my angel..ii wish this from so many years.. My heart commited to this for more than over a year and i dream of my daughter every single second.... I dream of our future with one another...when she grew big..go to school.. I take her to school and bring home..cook for her in homework..take her to play with her and told her stories during night and watch her sleeping when i m still reading the stories...and listen her..and finally one day see her married with who she love.... But all my dreamss my future just destroy in one single second...more than year i m dreaming and than i come to know that single male parent not allowed to adopt a girl child... Evry time my heart hit with this my eyes start crying... This rule...its not fare... Why a singl girl is aallowed to adopt a boy child then... This is so unfair... I dont say they also dont .allow.. But i say check for the male background...his income...but allow all who dream so much happiness for the little girl...plzzz i m from india... Plzz help me and tell this is possible...
When my wife and i started to talk about adoption, she wanted a boy and i wanted a little girl. As time went on, We ended up with two boys. Its amazing how you never know how this is going to work out.
Hey everyone i would much rather adopt a girl in the future its not that i dont want to adopt a boy i am open to adopting a boy but there are a few reasons thatb i would rather adopt a girl firstly i have never been into sports i just dont get the excitement and if i have a boy he will most loikely want to play and watch sports, secondly i have only ever had 2 guy friends the rest since 1st grade have all been girls its, and i really caqnt play sports i have asthma a lounge diseases that prohibits me from running. i know all girls need bothb a father figure and a mother figure for reasons. so in the future when im done studying to become a vet ill look to adopt because ever since i was 8 i have wanted children i know a pretty weird thing for an 8 year old guy to want i am not gay its just that the fear of having a miscarriage and so many other things would be on my mind it is a real shame that all single guys find it hard to adopt a girl just because of the short percentage of men out there that dont have pure intentions im thinking of adopting in about 3 to four years by then i will be finished studying have a steady job and then i will adopt a girl
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Nothing is impossible, Scott, but how long are you willing to wait, especially in light of what your DSS is telling you, right up front? Even if they conduct your homestudy and give you a glowing recommendation, reality is that your request is likely to be given a very low priority.