After asking my amom i just found out that i was adopted through family friends who are both lawyers. She called it a private adoption and told me it was a lot faster than if they had gone through an agency. I was wondering how they could have done this. Since the family friends...(one being my godfather) would they have knowledge of my bfamily?? How would they have gone about finding me? I was brought home from the hospital to my aparents when i was just a few days old. I'm really confused at how this whole adoption could have taken place.
If anyone can explain to me the legal issues involving this kind of adoption PLEASE let me know!!!
Hi DkB01:
Thanks for your question. Most attorneys locate birth mothers for pre-adoptive couples. Then they prepare the legal paperwork. Some attorneys provide various degrees of counseling for both pre-adoptive parents and birthmothers.
Depending on the state adoption laws for the state that you were born in it will vary as to the length of time that your birthmother had to sign her parental rights to you away.
Some attorneys advertise that they can help provide adoption services for birthmothers who choose adoption for their child. Many birthmothers love their children but know that they cannot provide for them. It is a difficult decision to make. The attorneys explain the adoption laws and the rights of the birthmother and pre-adoptive parents.
Some attorneys know the birthfamilies personally but not too many do.
You can ask your adoptive parents if they have time to read about adoptees in general. There are some excellent books at [url][/url] that may help your parents realize the needs of adoptees which may make it easier to be by your side if and when you may wish to search for your birthfamily.
Best to you as you find the answers you are looking for. There are various adoptee support groups that many adoptees find helpful from time to time.
Blessings to you and Warm regards,