I am interested in doing an International Adoption... I am 47 yrs old , and a Transexual, for over 20yrs. I am in the process of my homestudy, and that has never been been an issue. I am from Ohio and my birth certifate can not be changed, just an ammendment! Thanks for any responces!
My husband was adopted by his stepfather in California. His birth certificate too was only amended, but it does list his stepfather as his father from birth. So birth certificate-wise, I can't see where there'd be a problem. When you do your biography for your homestudy - you might run into issues because even though you've been a woman now for 20 years, some countries may not recognize your gender change. Does the state of Ohio recognize your current gender assignment? If so, and I'm assuming that IS the case, you should be able to find a social worker who can treat your gender reassignment as a non-issue in the homestudy. Not all social workers are hard-nosed, white glove-wearing life inspectors. Many - likely most - will help you through the process to an end result which is best for you and a child. Good luck.
Bcelli..... Thanks for the rerply! The issue never came up with my social worker, as of yet! I do know that the birth certificate has to be in the dossier... an I think that may cause some concern! I guess I will just wait and see.... I go for my fingerprints on Dec 3rd!