I saw the Dateline story. While /i thought the overall message of the episode was positive I was bothered by the use of language that isn't pro adoption. I was glad to see that the message was one that in the end a reunion with the birth parents was a positive experience for all involved including the adoptive parents. But they used language such as "gave away", "gave up", they said that they were afraid that the reunion was going to destroy the adoptive family, "loosing their son", and more that just left me stung. It really took away from the program and I plan on writing them today and sending them a list of proadoptive language for future use.
I can't watch right now all the reunions, it upsets me.
I am still looking for seven siblings, right now my brothers male sideratos 6/4/62 manhattan ny, Our ** did "give us away" she abandoend a;; ten of her kids and yes we were adopted ,I hope they all had good homes like i did.
It hrts when i know who my ** maybe by a reaction when she was found due to her birthday and asked if her maiden name was"schenk", but what really hurts is we"the siblings" have no flipping rights whats so ever to know each other thanks to the laws in new york.Where dose someone get the right to make a choice for anyone?who had the right to keep that info a secret from all siblings?All siblings should know who each other is when they are 18 yrs old, what a nice birthday gift to get a envelope with that info, did it ever happen ?"NO" because nobody ever told us. I went through half my life hinking I was a triplet and one died ,that was a big fat lie because there is no documentation of a still born or death of a child on my birthday 6/7/67.
I wrote pataki, nothing came back, next is the president and then tv stations, I want my story told , I feel my story is very unusally, where do you hear of a woman dumping ten children.
So yes I am greatful I have loving parenst and yes I had a good home but to make me mourn a deat of a sibling that never exsisted and now to find out i am the youngest of ten and have been searching for 14 and 1/2 yrs and no search i can find will help me because some try charging alot of money which i understand, But If therewas one with a hear who would help me I'd be greatful. God Bless.