Five years ago we adopted my granddaughter, now 12 years old. It has turned our family - me, wife and 2 kids 10, 9 - upside down. She is mildly disruptive - lies, cheats steals, bullies, forges signatures, hordes food, etc.
We have had her in counseling for two years and both therapists have thrown their hands up and recommend we start documenting her behavior and escalting her punishments - move away from restrictions and extra chores to calling in police when she steals or forges our signatures, etc.
She is not violent, but that may come in time. She is smart and pretty and everyone loves her when they first meet her, but she can not maintain friendships with peers.
We live in Oregon. Is there a way to terminate our adoption or place her in foster care? In other words, remove her from our home. We are just not equiped to deal with her and I am worried about the affect she is having on our other kids, who are great kids.
I have prayed on this for years and it nevers seems to get better.
Any ideas? Anyone?
Check with your county's juvenile probation department. I don't know about Oregon, but I live in Washington and there is a law that allows for parents to have court intervention before criminal activity occurs. It's designed for "at-risk youth" to help the parents manage the behaviors that are out of control. Otherwise, if that's not an option, you really should consider filing charges when she steals and forges, etc. She should be held responsible for actions.
Best of luck!