So what do you think about cloning? Its been in the news a lot due to those UFO people in Canada. Here is a small questionnaire I hope will spark healthy dialogue. Please remember to be tolerant of one another's opinions
regarding politics, religion and family. Play nice.
1. Do you believe a human clone exists?
2. Do you think cloning humans for reproductive reasons (infertility) should be allowed and why.
3. Do you think cloning technology used to create stem cells for medical use, should be allowed and why.
4. If a human clone existed what would you want done with it and why.
5. Do you think cloning humans would effect the adoption industry; why and how.
Ray Buffer
Good questions!!
It was only a matter of time until a human was cloned, I think the people who cloned it are a bit wacky though!! I do however think it is great!! Anyone who is against stem cell research has never had a sick loved one who could benefit from it. I think it is fine to believe in God but some people get crazy with the bible thumping and are too closed off to the benefits of this. I think human cloning is decades away from affecting adoption, a couple would have to be Bill Gates rich to afford it. If the human clon exists it should be treated as a human and loved like a baby should be. Growing tissues is a different story.....grow on baby!! If one baby with leukemia or cystic fibrosis can be helped through stem cel research, it is all worth it!!!!!! I bet Superman would love to walk again!!!
Happy New Year!
1. no
2. no, because adoptees are confused enough; how will a child understand when no male is needed for reproduction if they are cloned from their mom; God designed reproduction with egg and sprm; I just don't think cloning will produce a healthy, normal human; i'm not saying it's not possible, i just wonder if there will be physical or mental deficits involved; there's a lot already being done with infertility hat i don'tagree with already; like paying thousands of dollars to adopt a child
3. yes; i find it hard to justify not using any knowledge GOd gives us to fight evil in the world and sickness is an evil; it is also my understanding that there is stem cell research that does not involve fertilization, therefore, an embryo is not at risk
4. nothing should be done with a human that already exists except for to let them live their life normally
5. it will be a long time before cloning affected adoption, but i think eventually it would; people really do want thir "own" children
If Human cloning happens, and I think it will despite any nation's laws to the contrary, I wonder if infertile parents or simply rich people who want their personal "Mini Me" who purchase clones will cause the prices of adoptees to go down. It could spell the end of the adoption industry. But as a collegue pointed out, it could also mean an influx of clones with birth defects into the adoption pool. Clones that were "factory errors". I think there are a lot of things to consider and debate.