My sister may be giving up her children (18 months and 4 months old) to my husband and I. I have read that in Illinois, adoption papers are final once signed by the parent. However, I know my sister is the type who will try to get them back when she thinks it will get her some attention or money or food or whatever she needs at the time.
I just want to know if anyone has any experience with Illinois adoptions and does final mean final? Or does final mean "Final unless the mother tries to get them back".
How much of a risk is there that a court would let her drag us in three years down the road?
Thanks for your help.
For a newborn adoption, there is a waiting period of 72 hours before the birthmother is allowed to sign papers terminating her parental rights...for older kids, it probably works a bit differently. Then there is a period of time (I'm not exactly sure, but it's about 6 months) where DCFS would "monitor" the situation to ensure that you are "fit" parents. Then you'd go to court and the judge would finalize the adoption. Once the court decrees that the children have been adopted, that's it. Final means final. No one could take you to court to try to undo the adoption.
If this is a private adoption, DFS should not be involved. I would think once she gives up her rights, at least on the older child, she no longer has a say.