I need some help from anyone who might possibly have any suggestions. This is a complicated issue, but I will try and make it short.
My issue is, I now live in Utah and am going through a custody battle in California with my soon-to-be exhusband. It has been going on for over a year. He has gotten himself in a lot of trouble with the court by lying and not doing the things that he is supposed to be doing. It has gotten to the point that he has said that he wants to (in his words) do what ever it takes so that he wont have to pay child support. It has been suggested to me that he could "sign over his rights" as a father and then he wouldn't have any obligation to our three kids. I just want him out of our lives due to many forms of abuse that have gone on. I was informed that the only way that the State of California will allow him to "sign over his rights" is if someone is willing to adopt them. My parents have agreed to do this if necessary. I need to know if this is true, and how to go about it, if it is true. Any information would be a great help!
Why would you have to find someone to adopt your kids if you are their mother and can take care of them? Maybe your parents could help you with support, but I think it's crazy that you would have to find someone to adopt them, what about all the other single parents in the country who manage to take care of their kids on their own. I did for many years. Anyway, I would strongly suggest you consult an attorney in CA to find out what the laws are pertaining to this type of situation.
I have been told by my family law attorney in CA that the State of CA will not allow a father (or mother for that matter) to give up their rights unless someone is willing to adopt the kids. You are right about their being a lot of single parents doing it by themself. But he wants to sign over all his rights so he wont have to pay child support, and I don't want him to be able to come back in a few years and try and get visits with the kids. And the only way to gaurantee that is for him to sign over all parental rights. I would still be the legal mother of the kids, but my parents would also be legal gaurdians to the kids. I think it is dumb that they require that, but if I want him out of our lives, that is my only choice. I really don't have the money to hire another attorney in CA, and my attroney said that he doesn't deal with adoptions at all. Right now I am just trying to find out info about the laws and and the inter-family adoption process. Also I am not sure if the issue will be handled in CA or Utah. My attorney said that all he can do is get a judgement entered that gives me sole legal and physical custody. But since the kids and I live in Utah, I am wondering if the signing over of parental rights can be handled here or if since he lives in CA, if they will have to be handled there.
Thankyou for your thoughts and anymore would be welcomed!