I'm in Dallas Texas and I found out about my daughter because dept. of family services took her from her mom. She was put up for adoption so they had to find the dad. That was August 14th. Now I am in a custody battle with the people who WERE trying to adopt her. (needless to say I won't cooperate). They are the mother's brother and his wife. Is there anyone who has a way for me to be reunited with my daughter without all this court stuff? I have a good lawyer but I'm her father. Why do they even have an audience with a judge? Why wasn't she just returned to me. I am a firm believer in adoption but I also believe if you have a baby and you love her with all your heart, you should be able to be with her and raise her. I feel like I am so very fortunate I found out about my daughter at all. Pray for me as I pray for all of you please. thanks
I'm not too sure about the legalities on adoptions, though I was adopted myself, but I have read a post from someone who may be able to help you!!! I have cut and pasted the post below, I hope it will help, he has helped me on issues also.
I'm here to help if I can ...
Good morning. I'm Adam Pertman, the author of Adoption Nation: How the Adoption Revolution is Transforming America" and the executive director of the Adoption Nation Education Initiative. I'm also the adoptive dad the two best kids on the planet, but that's another story. More to the point here, I'm a new moderator for this area, along with JJ. For anyone who wants/needs it, my bio is on my own website, [url][/url] I write, lecture and conduct research on a wide range of adoption-related issues. I'm looking forward to chatting with you all and helping anyone I can to the best of my abilities. That's it. I'll wade into some of the questions already posted. Thanks to everyone, in advance, for your patience as I learn how to navigate this system. adam.
Adam Pertman, Executive Director
Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute
Author, "Adoption Nation"