Dose anyone know the specifics about aproching birthmothers in Il. My husband is military and we are stationed overseas, but we have freinds who live in a university town. My mom suggested that they might know someone thinking about adoption and that way we could do and independent adoption. We want to finalize in Il and would prefer that the situation be in Il when we are placed because we would have to come form overseas. If any one can help I would apreciate it. Thanks
I'm not an attorney, but I know that Illinois is one of the states that allows advertising for finding birthparents (for example, in newspapers). You would need to have a valid homestudy from an agency so you could get a license from the state--it's called a "foster care/adopt only" license. However, if you're military, you'd probably have to consult someone more familiar with your situation. If you're not based in Illinois, you could have your homestudy license from anywhere, but you'd still have to meet the requirements of Illinois to finalize the adoption in the state. Best of luck.