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Thread: Support group in Syracuse NY
Hi i think you are someone ive been looking for, im from syracuse your mother was..... miller evelyn maybe I think is her first name or was.. Please email me
Hi, I'm Guillermo Eduardo Fulqueri, I live in Coral Gables, Florida and I'm searching my birthmother. I'm born in Syracuse on 08/16/1965. My birth certificate, (amendment),registration#4819, Dist.#3301. My birthname: Thomas Edward Miller. My mother last name was Miller, she had 18 years old when I born; her mother had asthma; her father died at age 55, after 1946 and before 1965 of a heart attack, she had only one brother older her. The adoption was handled by Onondaga County Department of Social Services. I have my non-ID: My birthmother had dark brown hair, brown yes, your weight 110 lbs, your height 5'3", education 12, and she was a student and office work at time of birth..My weighed b7lbs 1/2 oz at birth. My birthmother was a shy loving person, my birth grandmother and my birthmother, visit me at the foster home for several months. My birthfather was 17, he had one brother.And I think so, my birthmother born in 1947/48.My order of adoption finalized 11/30/1967, the Lawyer was Angelo Pettrone; Juzge: Peter P. Kolakowski. My adoption was handled of Onondaga County of Social Services, Family Court of the New York. The letters from the Court and Welfare was signed for: Dorothy Maceri and Alene Stevenson . My adopted mother baptized me, in St Ann's Church, 104 Academy St, Manlius, on December 18, 1966; and my adoption decree was signed Nov. 30; 1967!!!. Was possible baptized before at the adoption decree?. Yes, was possible but, not give the information at the Welfare, because is not permitid without the Adoption Decree. Before my adoption decree my adopted parents and me, we've go to Canada and come back for three times, (January, August and September 1966), I dont understand because the adoption decree was signed Nov 30; 1967. When I asked at my amother for that, she answer: Lies and she dont remember what the paper she had.Before my adoption, my adopted father was a teacher of Military Manlius School and Syracuse University; my adopted mother was a teacher of Fayeteville Manlius Schooland Solvany School. My adopted mother move only with me to Argentina in January 7, 1968 and never come back to USA, my adopted father was permanent in US fos ten years more. He move o Argentina in 1978, he visit us in Argentina, one or two times in a year. The names of my adopted parents is: Raquel Juana Faga and Guillermo Angel Fulqueri.Thomas MillerISO Birthmother08/16/1965