Check the documents that you signed when you first agreed to work with them, they should say.
Our agency (for US foster-adoption) had us sign that we acknowledged that they would only release our files to another licenced adoption agency, NEVER to anyone else, not even us. So in my case, I couldn't get my files...I'd have to go contract with another agency and have them file the request.
Good luck!
Their policy is "no" if it is released to an agency that will adopt the child for us in the same country that they have a program in which is virtually EVERYWHERE. That doesn't seem right! We would have had no way of understanding this way back when we signed the thing. Not to mention isn't all this paper work (dossies, files what have you...) belonging to us adoptive parents? I fail to see how these agencies have any legal claim on them even if we did sign a contract. After all, we are paying the big bucks for their services. I feel like much info has been withheld from us. We will approach the agency on Mon. to ask them to release. By God's providence we will adopt this child I'm finding.