My wife and I are new to the adoption process and here's the deal. I am a sex addict who is now in recovery by the grace of God and sober for almost three years. My acting out NEVER included children, I thankfully was never arrested, and I do not have any STD's. I have shared this info. with our social worker and she was unsure about the future because she didn't know much about this disease. But, I am terrfified this means we have no chance. I would appreciate any feedback that people have. I wanted to be honest and I hope this didn't shoot down our chances.
I think it is wonderful that you have 3 years clean/sober. I am a friend of Bill W.'s myself. I am not ashamed of what I am and as a rule am honest about it. I realize there are lies of commission and lies of ommision, but I also have the 12th Tradition to consider "Anonymity is the spiritual fondation of all our traditions", I break my anonymity to anyone I think will be helped by my experience but do not find it necessary to tell everyone. I honor the fact that you were so honest with your case worker, and I feel that anyone who has honestly and thoroughly worked and continues to work the 12 steps of the program will be a wonderful parent, and any child would be lucky to have them. This is just a suggestion but perhaps you could explain a little of the program and how it works to the case worker, perhaps this would give her/him a better understanding of your recovery, and where you are today. I do not know if this has been any help to you but I couldn't help but respond. I am always glad to see another friend trudging the road to happy destiny!
Your Friend
Tammie, thank you for your experience, strength, and hope and encouragement. I really appreciate it. God bless you! :)
Glad to offer support! United we stand, divided we stagger hehehehehe Best of luck to you and your wife, and I will keep you in my prayers!
Your Friend