My Husband and I live in Vt. and we are in the process of trying to adopt our sson. He is placed with us through Maryland DSS. We live in VT and he has been with us since July 29, 2002. We have TPR and have been in supervised placement for over 180 days. The agency here sees no reason why the adoption should not be finalized. They have completed 4 postplacement visits and forwarded all reports to DSS in Baltimore. The case worker in Baltimore says that our file is missing "A child information packet." and a "life book. She says that without these two things the adoption can't be finalized.
Our son believes (even though we did not tell him this) that his adoption will be finalized before his 6th birthday (March). The social worker says that it will take at least until Nov. 2003 to complete these two documents. We don't believe that delaying this adoption is in our child's best interest. Does anyone know how to get a waiver in Maryland-or if Maryland adoptions can be finalized in VT. I have contacted our child's guardian Ad Litem for help, but haven't heard anything. Our supervising agency also wrote a letter to DSS asking them to request a waiver and info. about finalizing in VT. What else can we do? Has anybody out there dealt with this problem? I can be reached at Thanks