I'm looking for some help. My wife and I adopted twins just over a year ago (Jan. 2002) and we are eligible for the Adoption Tax Credit this year. The adoption(s) came to a total of $15,000. Can anyone tell me if I am eligible for a $15,000 refund or the standard $10,000 that is in place effective this year? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks
One other thing you should know. We originally were quoted a $10,000 fee because we thought it was just going to be one child. However, when we were chosen to parent twins, the cost went up to the $15,000. Thanks again, for any help anyone can provide!
I just read a post about a lady who is not getting what she thought she was going to get for the adoption credit. Just like to child tax credit the adoption credit in just that. A credit. It will help lower or elimate any other taxes you owe. With the child tax credit you maybe able to take a addional child tax credit if you have 3 or more children. This will put extra money on your refund if you are getting one. I do not know that much about the adoption credit, but I did'nt want you to get your hopes up on getting all of your expences back for your adoption. The form for the credit is #8839
The adoption tax credit is per child. Two children--two tax credits. You should be able to take all of your expenses! Hope this helps.
Best regards, Leah
We adopted our daughter in April 2001. The cost of the adoption was $28,000. I think the taxable amount was about $21,000 (not allowed to claim money paid in the country we adopted from). We were able to get the $5000. tax credit last year that we claimed. We were denied the $600. child credit because we got back all the taxes we paid with the adoption credit. We are now able to carry over our adoption expenses this year and the years to follow. We once again are claiming the $600. child credit but will probably be denied again. I hope this makers some sense!