The other day I went to a registry site to register. I'm a birth mother. Thought I'd put my info out there for my daughter if she should search. I found a registration from her looking for me. The question? She is only 17. Can we make contact? I live in Arizona and am under the understanding that she must be 21 before we can make contact? I would love to talk with her. What should I do? What can I do? I have a semi open adoption.
Depending on your state there are some legal ramifications regarding contact. My suggestion is this, contact her parents in writing, letting them know that you beleive she has registered to search for you, that you have no intention of contacting her directly until she is of age (as I am sure you can imagine parenting a teen is tough without all the other stuff going on) unless they are willing to support that. Include your contact info, a picture of yourself and any info that may be valuable to them. Let them know that you support them, have no intention of "taking over" and just want to know if she is doing okay. It is so much easier for the adoptee if they are aware that they dont need to "choose".