My husband and I have been selected to adopt a bi-racial baby.
We met with the birthmother at our agency yesterday(2-24-03). The meeting felt like it went pretty good. Then later in the evening we met the birthmother and her 6 yr. old daughter for dinner. We were at the resturant for 2 hours!
I am going to meet the birthmother at her doc. appt. this Thurs.
My husband and I have had one adoption fail last spring. We have also have met 2 other birthmothers in the past, but nothing came of the meeting.
We are feeling a little better with this most recent meeting, but....
we don't want to get our hopes up again.
My biggest fear is going to the hospital with a carseat and leaving with an empty carseat...again
Since I have babbled is the nerves:eek:
My question have you survived the wait/process from once you were selected to the time you brought the baby home:eek:
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you.
The birthmother is due March 15th. She can basically deliver any day now.
If the baby is place with us she has 4-6 weeks before she goes to court to terminate her rights. In those 4-6 weeks she can change her mind for any reason:(
It is March 16th a day past our birthmother's due date.
I sat home a good part of the day on Sat. hopeing(sp) for a phone call from her....nothing:(
It is Sun. evening and still nothing..
I finally had to go for a walk earlier in the evening, because I was going nuts inside.
Any suggestions on how to deal with being on "pins and needles"?:(