We are looking for any information regarding birth mother named ELIZABETH OR ELSIE ENGSTROM.
Female (born/named) MYRTLE HELEN ENGSTROM, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on September 25, 1932 to ELSIE ENGSTROM. The non-identifying information states that the birth mother was the informant at the time of birth, was unwed, worked as a domestic and was of the Protestant faith. Search of the birth records states birth mother's name as ELSIE ENGSTROM.
Myrtle Helen Engstrom's adoption was finalized in 1937 in Calgary, Alberta to David and Lena Jantz.
Myrtle is now 70 years old and would like any information regarding any of her birth relatives, before she deceases. She has lived her whole life feeling incomplete, and she'd like the missing information of her life. PLEASE HELP IF YOU CAN. Thank you.