I am having major issues. My aunt would like to adopt me, and i would love to live with her. she does not spoil me, but she is the only sane person in my entre family. I do not get along with my family at all. My only happy times are at school. i am becoming depressed and i greatly want to live with her. im 14 i will be 15 in june. is there anyway for me to move in with her without my parents agreeing? also i am going to her hous ethis summer. and this is not a letter because me and my parents got in a fight, etc. i have been considering this fo ra long time, and i really think its for the best. pleas e help me.
There are only a couple of legal ways (that come to mind right now) you can live with your aunt without your parents' approval, and those are:
1.) If you are legally "emancipated" by the court - meaning that you have been found to be mature enough, AND have the financial resources to support yourself. This happens very rarely, and I've never heard of emancipation being granted to a 14-year old.
2.) If your aunt fought your parents for, and won, custody of you. In order to do that, she would have to legally prove that your birth parents are "unfit" - so abusive or negligent that they cannot be decent parents. Those kind of custody battles are extremely ugly and expensive.
It doesn't sound - from the limited information given in your message - as though you or your parents fit into either of these categories.
I hope you don't ever consider "running away" to your aunt's. It will backfire, trust me. If you do this, you'll get your aunt into all kinds of trouble; mainly with the law - and I'm sure you don't want that to happen. It wouldn't go well for you, either. You might very well end up in state custody, perhaps even a foster home.
My advice to you is this: keep your grades up. Spend as little time at home as possible, if life there is THAT intolerable. And I don't mean go and hang out with aimless, trashy "friends". If you have a best friend with a stable and good home, spend time there. If there is a youth center, go there. If you attend church, talk to your pastor (or whatever title he/she goes by). Volunteer somewhere (when I was your age I began 'candy-striping' at the local hospital.) See if there are after-school activities that will keep you busy; sports, hobby clubs, girl scouts, etc. When you turn 16 (in most states) get a part-time job. Do everything you can to prepare to leave home when you either turn 18, or graduate from high school - whichever comes first.
Spend some time with you aunt, of course. But don't try to get her to engage in a battle with your parents over how unhappy you are in their home. That won't come to any good, except perhaps for your parents to restrict your time with your aunt.
You must learn to be smart and tough. This trying time won't last forever. Hang in there.