Adoption is not a valued field. It is an industry
shrouded in secrecy, vague information, few rules and even fewer rights. It
is a legal no mans land of inconsistent laws and almost no enforcement.
These are little human lives we are talking about trading in. These are
transactions of the most complex life altering issues I can imagine. It is
intimate, sensitive and prohibitively expensive despite the fact that there
are hundreds of thousands of children worlwide in need of homes .
Where are the regulations, laws and law enforcement and civil remedies ?
Why is corruption so accepted in international adoption? WHAT CAN WE DO?
The Hague will adress the international aspects of some of this but the
proposed regulations dont go nearly far enough to inhibit foreign unethical
and illegal conduct. Most importantly they will not pertain to domestic
adoption or have much influence on the behavior of "adoption professionals"
in the US who conduct international adoptions.
What is needed are federal standards that mandate TRANSPARENCY. This is
evryones new politically correct buzzword but I dont see it happening in
adoption much yet. Why is this? Why is adoption a seemingly isolated,
closed field that overlooks bad ethics and fails to require accountability?
Parents are only recently beginning to compare notes due to the internet.
Adoptions are not the total mystery they used to be especially international
ones. Parents are understanding and questioning fees, processes and
qualifications of their adoption workers. But there is not the legal
structure to allow them to enforce the rights they should have. It is still
very much a "take it or leave it " situation for adoptive parents. They can
sign the one sided contract or not adopt.
Just getting Hague passed and not yet implemented has taken more than a
decade. And the results are still not adequate. Why isnt there
comprehensive federal regulation of adoption? I can tell you it isnt going
to be suggested or supported by the adoption industry .
I dont have the answers much less the time, money and energy to lobby for
all out federal reform but I wish someone would! The adoption guide has
never been funded by anyone. There is no comprehensive consumer
organization with any power or authority to look into adoption problems. We
need change and it must come from PARENTS. So... think about it. Think
about becoming a part of a movement that must be invented to change the
system. Be a revolutionary! Get involved. Give input when Hague regs
comew up for review. Write your congressperson and senators with your
concerns. FILE complaints with anyone and everyone who will take them and
speak out against bad providers. I disagree with those who say we need to
keep these lists positive and supportive. The facts are that there are lot
of negative and unsupportive adoption experinces. Knowlege is power.
Action yields results. The squeeky wheel gets the grease.