I have a question. If there is still litigation going on concerning whether a child will be put up for adoption or not and this child has already been born, will the adoption agency place the baby in a foster home or go ahead and place the child with the potential adoptive parents? It seems to me that they would place the child in a foster home until all is resolved. Placing a child with adoptive parents and then having the adoption not go through and then to have to take the child away from the APs would be a very sad situation for the APs. If someone out there could shed some light on this, I would really appreciate it.
L. Lucero
Could be either.
It depends on a lot of things, including whether the child was already with potential adoptive parents before the "litigation" began, whether the state child protective services is involved, if there is legal basis for the litigation or not, and how long it is likely to drag out.
Yes, if a child is living with potential adoptive parents and then the previous parents win and the child is removed --it is hard on the potential adoptive parents...
BUT, placing a child with foster parents forces that child to have to move even if the previous parents lose, and THAT is hard on the child.
Thanks for answering. The litigation was already going on before the baby was born. The bf doesn't want to place the baby for adoption. However, the bm and her family want the baby placed. The adoption was supposed to go thru the Gladney Home. The litigation is up to the appeal stage. The baby was born 2 mos. ago, but as of this time the Gladney Home nor the bm have given any info. to the bf. It's crazy to me that this child is in a foster home out there somewhere when he/she has a bf and a family here that is waiting on them. I'm still in disbelief that the Gladney Home has proceeded with trying to place this baby for adoption. I thought adoption was set up to help find homes for a child in need of a home. In this situation they just took a child from his/her's a sad situation!! I am the grandmother of this child and my son (the bf) and all of our family are devasted by what has happened. However, we continue to push forward. Hopefully one day this child will know how much we love him/her and how much we've fought to keep him/her in our lives.