Hello Everyone:
Over the years we have had quite a few people that have visited our chat room here on Adoptionforums that are of Korean decent.
If you are and would like to talk to other Korean adoptees please post here.
Best to each of you.
Warm regards,
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This is my first time posting. I am a Korean adoptee. I have also been searching for my birth parents. 3 weeks ago I received an e-mail from Holt saying they found them and wanted me to write a letter. I have yet to write it yet, I don't know what to write to do I put into words what my life has been like the last 20 years? I almost wish I hadn't found them. I have no-one around me to relate to me because there are very few minorities that go to my college (i don't go to duke btw, just a big fan of basketball) and even less adoptees. I was just wondering if anyone else is going through anything similiar.
"In all of us is a hunger, marrow deep, to know our heritage, to know who we are, and where we have come from. Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning, no matter what our attainments in life, there is a most disquieting lonliness." -Alex Haley
I am looking for my half sister. She was born in Korea in 1963. Our father was in the Army, He went by Daddy Jack. Her mother, died in 1967 or 1968. She was put up for adoption because her grandmother did not want a child that was half american. She Has an older brother and sister. Our father died in 1968. I am told her name was Mickie Lee McClure.
Please e-mail me at
My brother, and my adoptive parents and I plan to go to Korea and Japan in the Spring of 2005.
I want to give the agency who are trying to find my parents an easier time in translating the letter I want to send to my birth parents. I know there are taboos surrounding adoption in Korea, so I want to find a translator that has experience, or at least know-how in this subject.
I was going to try a friend, but she fell through, and my brother, who is also adopted and taking Korean is unwilling to help me out. (either it's resistence to the subject, which is hidden, or its that he only half cares.
Do you know of any organizations that are willing to help out in this aspect of adoption?
Yes I am a Korean adoptee and came to the US when I was 5 months old. I do have a lot of information about my family and birth parents and I'm out to find them and plan on going back home this Summer. I have some information if anyone is Korean as well and is looking for their families too..I know the reason why I was put up for adoption but need to know other things but I'm always interested in talking to other adoptees..I was adopted into an American family so it's hard for me being the only Asian in the family..But I do have a better life..
Are other Korean children having as much trouble getting information as I am? Why are the laws so tight on foreign adoptions? I am Korean, born in Korea and now an adult living in America and would like to know if I have any living realitives in Korea. I would like to hear from other adoptees who are in the same boat as I.
Hello Everyone!
This is my first time posting a message. I was adopted from Korea when I was three. I am now 22. My sister and I were put up for adoption at the same time and luckily we were both adopted by the same family :D She was six at the time. My birth parents separated and my birthfather had custody of the oldest and the youngest daughter( my sister and I). My Birthmother, on the other hand, had custody of my sister that was the middle sister. My birthfather gave us up for adoption and I believe my birthmother and sister still reside in South Korea. I am now 22 and a day hasn't ever gone by where I don't think about my other sister in Korea. It really would be a dream come true if I could find her one day. She would be around 23-24. She may even be living in the US too. If you know anyone that sounds like they could fit in this adoption scenario, your reply would be greatful!
Good luck to all of you in your searches! I signed on to see who all had posted on this site.
I am not searching for a Korean national adoptee but for a child born to an American dependent living in Korea.
I am an American birth mother who was a military dependent in South Korea when I gave my daughter up for adoption. Adoption was handled thru the military. Anyone that has done some searching have any ideas of a starting place for me to find a military adoption info site?
Again, I wish you all the best in your lives and with your searches.
I am searching for my birth parents. I don't know much but here is what I do know. I was born Yoon, Se Gyoo on November 16, 1983 in Kyongsangnam-do to a Yoon, Heung Seok (28 years old at the time) and Kim, Jong Hee (24 years old at the time.) I was admitted to the Eastern Child Welfare Society (Pohang Branch) on April 1, 1985. If anyone has any information that could help in the locating of either of these two people, please send an email to Thank you to anyone who can help. I am most grateful. At this point I'm curious to find my birth parents for medical reasons. I'm not having any problems, but I'd like to have an idea if I'm going to have any. Does anyone have anything to say on this subject?
Hi everyone,My name is Heidi and I am a Korean adoptee. I was adopted when I was 3 1/2 years in 1984 to a very loving American family. The past five years or so I have been very curious to find my birth parents or family members. But I don't know the first step on coming to do that. I found this site and hopefully it can give me some insight or help me out. Like many adoptess. well Koreans, I have felt alone as a minority plus no one could relate to me. If anyone wants to chat or knows anything to go about ... please feel free to email me at or I am usually on aol instant messanger at Heidip1103. Thank you,Heidi
Anyunghasayo, hello, my name is Jessica Joo Ae (God's love). I am 30. I was adopted from Korea in 1975. I do not have any connections with other Korean adoptees yet and dying to talk to any out there. I am from St Louis MO. I am married to a caucasion. He is a chemistry professor. I am a professional counseling graduate student at Missouri Baptist University. I graduate on April 29, 2006. I am dealing with grief issues associated with adoption and really would like to talk to other adoptees who may be or have experienced what I am now going through in life.
hey everyone. my heart breaks for each of you and your struggles and pain; however, i am glad to know i am not alone in mine. i was adopted at the age of 4 and a half with my biological sister (she was 2) by a caucasian family in california. from the outside it looked like we had a great life - nice house, family vacations to disneyworld, good schooling, nice clothes, and church every sunday. but, the reality was much different. i was abused physically and emotionally daily. i had no relationship with my adopted father and my adopted mother was always working (though my relationship with her wasn't really any better). needless to say, i have been battling with being adopted for a very long time. i have no sense of identity or belonging. i have difficulty trusting people. i wonder what my purpose here is and often will time to pass by more quickly. i know i have a roof over my head, a job, food to eat, a boyfriend and dog who love me, but i so often feel like i have nothing. like i am nothing.anyway, i am 29 now and just received my 'file' from my adopted mother after over 10 years of asking and several stints of being disowned by her. i am just starting the proccess of a birth parent search and my boyfriend gave me a trip to japan and korea for christmas. we're going the last two weeks of february. i'm excited and completely frightened at the same time.i'm wondering if anyone out there has any advice on what to search for while in korea and where. also, if anyone has suggestions on where to visit while there (e.g. orphanages, organizations, or restaurants and other touristy stuff).thanks! i'd love to get in touch with other korean american adoptees. please e-mail me at
Dear Sabra,
this site is so great. i am adopted from korea. I was adopted when I was six in a half months. I am 30 now. married for ten years. I have a mini schnuauzer. Am from the midwestern state of Missouri. I am looking for pen pals. i do not know hardly any adult korean adoptees. do you know of any support groups?
I am getting my own personal counseling from a trained therapist for grief issues associated with adoption loss. just curious if you know of any resources.
thanks again for willing to be a moderator.
jessica joo ae :grouphug:
Dear Sabra,
this site is so great. i am adopted from korea. I was adopted when I was six in a half months. I am 30 now. married for ten years. I have a mini schnuauzer. Am from the midwestern state of Missouri. I am looking for pen pals. i do not know hardly any adult korean adoptees. do you know of any support groups?
I am getting my own personal counseling from a trained therapist for grief issues associated with adoption loss. just curious if you know of any resources.
thanks again for willing to be a moderator.
jessica joo ae :grouphug:
Are people still reading this one &/or looking for other Korean adoptees? I am a Korean adoptee - just over 42 years to the day - and recently started my search, for fellow adoptees and my birth family. Just happened upon this site/this forum and wondered if it is still being followed. ???
Hey there!I have come across this forum during the search for bio mum or family on behalf of my partner. I have his permission and whilst his curious to learn more about himself and family, he has not attempted, and I would say for the reason of how emotionally taxing it must be as most of you would know. I’m hoping I can do the work and searching for him in the background and provide him with the opportunity to reach out and connect with relatives if my search is successful. He was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1984. He was then placed up for adoption shortly after and brought here to Australia. Birth mother’s name was Kim, Mee ja. DNA testing has shown no matches, and no results when you search both his bio name and mother’s name on sites and forums such as this. What else can be done to help make that connection? If bio mother is not looking for him. Currently I’m just trying to put his name and her name out there on as many platforms as possible and hope the reason she has not is due to obstacles or fear of rejection and show that the connection is wanted/welcomed.