There are search angels who can help you, either for free or for just what it costs them to search. Go to the internet and type in "Search Angels" and you should get a whole list. Many do not support searches by minors. You may have to e-mail a few different search angels before you find one willing to help you. Best of luck! Sincerely, Sharon
Skled, it is not illegal ANYWHERE to search and find ANYONE that is including your birthfamily. I lost my son to adoption in 1988 he will be fifteen in the summer, I found him last year, though he and his family has rejected me I am hanging on the hope that his emotions are not "ready" for the reunion proccess. If you can I would gather all the information you can on your birthfamily from your parents, and then do as Sharon suggests, dont pay for it though no proper search angel would charge you, unless of course she/he needs to cover their fee's. I am a search angel in Canada, I do not do well with searches in the state but I can see if I can find you a good search angel in your area, good luck I hope you find what you are looking for. Just have to add....GOD WHY ISNT MY SON WANTING TO MEET ME :(.