I am 6mons pregnant and I have no choice, but to give up the unborn child up for adoption, I have been feeling very depressed on this matter, because I know that this is the best thing to do if I can't afford to take care of another child since I already have one. The thing is no one knows that I am pregnant and I was wondering if it is possible to have the baby in the 7th month so that I won't have to go through the whole emotional process that I will go through right after words. I know its going to be hard either way I look at it, but right now the only people willing to support me are the ones who will be taking the baby from me, I know its going to hurt when I hear the very first cries, the kicking of the cute little legs and everything, and wanting to hold him/her but knowing that I can't because of the adoption. Is it possible to go through with this in the 7th month? Can someone please give me some advice on this? I am very depressed and I need to know. Thank-you, Depressedmother.:(
Hey Melissa,
Im sorry you have to go thru this. But as far as having the baby in the 7th month, probably not a good idea. The baby's lungs may not be fully developed among other things and I don't know if any doctor would induce labor anyway. Have you spoken with your doctor about this? Have you sought out any type of counseling it sounds like you could really use a shoulder right now. Just my thoughts.....
Having a baby in the 7th month is NOT a good idea. sometimes it happens on its own, and works out, but most often it is a traumatic and horrible experience for the baby. I had a baby 6 weeks pre-mature and she almost died. She was poked and prodded and tubes everywhere. The worst part is that nobody could hold her, as she was in an incubator with all the stuff she needed. The best anyone could do was to touch her with these gloves that are attached to the outside of the incubator. She had some special therapies until she was 11 years old. Another of my children was born only 3 weeks early, and suffered the EXACT same things.
Rather than attempt to deliver early, please tell anyone who DOES support you how badly you need help. Get a good therapist who will help you get through this. And please continue to post here, as I am sure people will talk to you! Love, Debi
I don't know how they handle houseing for birthmom's who have children already, but they can really help.
Their main focus is to help mothers give birth to healthy babies. They also offer free therapy to pregnaut women. They don't make you give them your baby----they can't make you do that.
Hang in there, Aug/Sept is not that far away......The child will always be your birth-child, you brought it into this world, You can have an open adoption if you want.
Really, you need to get some help and their are a lot of pro-life groups out there that will help
Good Luck!!!!
My second son was born premature, at seven months, and he had all sorts of problems... had to stay in an incubator in the infant ICU for about six weeks. He turned out okay, thank goodness, but I'm aware that it could've been much, much worse. You definitely will not find a reputable doctor who will induce at seven months; I doubt it's legal. I'm sure there are ways to induce labor yourself, but I don't know what they are. I hope you'll just go ahead and carry the pregnancy to term... I know it's difficult, but you've already come so far, and two more months is not really that long when balanced against your baby's entire future. I'm a birthmother... the child I placed was full term. Later, I had another child that I kept... he was a preemie. Believe me, you will go through the same "emotional process" regardless of whether or not you have the baby early. It's unavoidable. If you're this depressed already, perhaps you could try getting some counseling... I'd recommend neutral, unbiased counseling from someone other than the adoption agency, which obviously has a stake in what your decision will be. Contact the Health and Human Resources department in your city; you should be able to get some counseling for free. There's always a CHOICE, about whether or not to give a baby up for adoption. If you feel you have NO CHOICE, then perhaps you aren't talking to the right people. If you're giving up the baby ONLY for financial reasons, then you're choosing a permanent solution for a temporary problem. And if you're this depressed already, then you obviously have some serious doubts. Please use this time to look carefully into all your options and get some counseling. Sincerely, Sharon