My husband and I have been married for almost 11yrs. I had 2 children before we got married, and we have 1 together. The older children have always gone by my husbands name, and now the oldest is 15 and wants my husband to adopt him legally. His bio father hasn't seen him in 12 yrs. or since our divorce was final. I have no idea where he is. Where do I start. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
I am not sure what the laws are where you are, but my husband is adopting my daughter. Her bio-father has not had anything to do with her for the last 6 years. I also do not know where to find him. We filed abandonment against him. We are doing the adoption on our own which is saving us alot of money. There are forms online for differnet states that will tell you exactly which forms you need in order to do it. It will give the list of every form you need to start the work. I know that we have to put an publication of the adoption in the paper of the last area where we knew he was in. I hope this help you get started. Good Luck.
Thanks to everyone, I have found the bio father and he has consented to the adoption. I go see the lawyer this week. It was alot easier than I thought. Thanks again