I was told that my birthson could not open his adoption records until he is 19 years old. Also, that i could not open the records in search of him until he is 19. They told me the only way they would be opened any sooner would be with his birth parents permission. Is this true? I always thought I would only have to wait till he was 18. I live in MN.:confused:
dont know for sure but if thats true these people would know if you hear any different tell me please im in mn too.
Adoption Archive
Minnesota Department of Human Services
444 Lafayette Road North
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-2795
Hunter's mom, there may be some age restriction on when you can open sealed records, but there is no limit on what age your child has to be before you can search. You can search no matter how old your child is. There is no law anywhere against searching. Many birthmothers find their children without opening adoption records. Many States never open sealed records at all. There are other ways to search. Best of luck ~Sharon