Rasmussens are soccer players. Whether you were born into our family or adopted in, that’s what we do.
Or so I thought.
We have six kids: three biological and three adopted. Our adopted kids– two 10-year-old boys from the Ukraine, and a nine-year-old daughter, adopted domestically as a newborn– are sandwiched in the middle between an older brother, age 13, and younger twin sisters, age 4.
Did you know that everyone does not like the same things?!? Yes, I knew that was probable; biological or adopted, kids are all different. I assumed a child with my DNA would more-than-likely be drawn to the same activities that I was programmed to enjoy. To some extent that is true, but there have been some surprises as well. I didn’t know what our adopted kids’ pre-programming was, but I wanted to give all our kids an opportunity to find what they really loved to do. We have had some success figuring it out (and some “non-successes”.)
I thought we had one of our 10-year-olds pegged right away. He was coordinated, fast, and athletic. My husband played hockey and soccer and I thought our son would be perfect for either. He tried soccer first (too much running) then hockey (he liked it okay but was never that into it.) When he was old enough to play football he didn’t express any interest even though a few of his friends were playing. So we tried Boy Scouts (nope) then swimming (likes to swim but not take lessons). Finally we gave him the Community Ed booklet and told him to choose something, anything. “Karate!” He started karate this fall and loves it! He also started playing the saxophone for band and tried-out for the winter musical at his school. So instead of high-fiving the other parents after a goal we will be standing and applauding, proudly shouting “Bravo!”
As for the other five kids, some have found “their thing,” others not so much. This fall I signed up the two little girls for their first soccer season. I coached. I was so excited; they were too…until game time– every week. You know your kid’s not interested in something when you look for them on the field and find them instead thoroughly enjoying petting a dog on the sidelines. (They’re still young; they may still have soccer in their future… “Or dance” my mother offers.)
So yes, Rasmussens are soccer players…and martial artists, saxophonists, actors, gymnasts, readers, singers… and dog enthusiasts.
Written by: Cindy Rasmussen