How I Felt Talking to My Birth Daughter on Her Birthday
I was so excited about talking to my birth daughter on her birthday. But I was also nervous. Would she even want to talk?
Before my birth daughter’s birthday this year I had not yet had the opportunity to talk to her on the telephone. I was able to visit on her birthday last year, but she wasn’t talking yet and was also very shy. This year, a few days before her birthday, her mom emailed me saying that they would love to talk to me on her birthday on the phone.
As soon as I read the email, my heart jumped for joy. I was bursting with emotions, including nervousness and happiness. I was happy because I was going to be able to talk to her on the phone for the first time. I was going to be able to hear the sound of her voice, which I hadn’t heard until then. I was nervous because I didn’t know how it would go. What would I talk to her about? Would she even want to talk?
When the big day came, her mom and I talked for a little while about ordinary things: what they were doing, what I was doing, how work and school were going, how I was coping with my mom’s recent passing. Everybody seemed to be faring well. Then my birth daughter came on the phone.
I have never heard anything more sweet and precious than her voice.
As I listened to her talk, I was able to picture her little self with that tiny little girl voice. It was a perfect image. She and I talked about princesses, about how much she loves Cinderella and that Elsa is her favorite. We talked about her turning 3 that day and that she was a big girl now. She adorably asked me, “How are you?”
The best part came when she said “I love you.” It was faint, but it was there, and I was just completely head over heels, as I always am, for this little girl that I have the privilege to call my birth daughter. She is lovely, sweet, kind, loving, selfless, considerate, and adorable. I am excited to talk with her in person and I can’t wait for the day that she says “I love you” to me face to face.