Adoption Themes in The Angry Birds Movie
The Angry Birds movie addresses the feelings of abandonment that some adoptees may experience.
A few weeks ago, my husband and I decided to take our boys (4 and 8) to see “The Angry Birds” Movie. We stumbled through the dimly lit theater and each of us fell into the seats, ignoring the few pieces of popcorn that popped out of their containers. I was not excited to see the movie; I am not a big Angry Bird fan. Neither is my husband. We have realized over the years, though, that it isn’t about us anymore. It is about the kiddos, and watching their smiles and happiness illuminate a room (or a dark theater).
The movie started, and after one scene I turned to my husband at the same moment he turned to me. “This is my next article.” “I figured you were going to say that!”
The scene played out as follows: The main character in this movie is Red Bird. He is an Angry Bird. Go figure, right? (Has anyone who is familiar with Angry Birds wondered what makes them so angry? I will be honest, I never gave it much thought. I just bought my kids the figures and the books, and was happy they played solo for a little bit so I could have some quiet time!)
Anyway, I digress . . . in the movie, there is a scene at the beginning where the Angry Birds are in an anger management therapy session. Scenes flash across the screen that show Red Bird in an egg in a Lost & Found bin. There the egg stayed. Red Bird was left in the lost and found, destined to become an orphan. He never knew his parents. He was left alone and felt discarded. He felt unloved. Throughout the movie he will leave the anger management sessions with the others, yet when invited to hang out, he always hesitates and says he has other plans. His sense of being unwanted and fear of further abandonment are reflected in his encounters with his fellow birds.
Throughout the movie the characters reference the fertility clinic, a place where birds go for extra help in having baby chicks. But when the Bad Piggies come to take over the island, they take all the fertility eggs!
Well, Red is not having it. He knows the sadness, loneliness, detachment, and anger he has grown to feel because he grew up an orphan. He does not want these unborn babies to go through what he has. So, he goes on a quest to save them. Over the days of his quest, Red Bird learns that his island is made up of birds who want to be his friend and his family. As he is saving the baby birds, he begins to open up his heart to the other birds. He realizes he does not have to be alone and angry anymore. He comes to the realization that bloodlines aren’t needed to have a family.