Radio Silence and a Little Update
School has started and life is in full swing.
And . . . we’re back!
Sorry for the radio silence in September. Life as a mom of 5 caught up to me and I got behind on blogging. I do have to remind myself now and then that living is more important than blogging and gives me things to talk about! So here’s our September in a nutshell:
I thought things would settle down when school started, but they only got busier. The first two weeks of school were a huge adjustment of all of us getting used to a new schedule, lots of rules, and just general exhaustion on the part of Tinker and The Captain.
At the end of the second week, Dear Hubby and I took off for an Alaskan cruise with my parents, his mom, and a friend. When I booked this cruise 18 months ago I never dreamed we’d be leaving a brand new Kindergartner behind. When we returned the kids were well into their school routine, but I was worn out and exhausted as a cold I caught enroute and a 3 hour time difference kicked my tail for about a week.
Magic did happen for me during that time away. I realized that these Littles are once and for all — for always — truly mine now. I worried and obsessed just as I had done with the older girls. I was grateful that being at sea rendered calling home nearly impossible because I was not able to micromanage their lives from afar. I missed them so much and was so grateful they missed me too!
Both Tinker and The Captain are “flying” at school. They get mostly excellent behavior marks which — if you’ve followed my blog — is a minor miracle. I am glad to see our summer of working hard on both attachment and discipline has paid off. They love their teachers and I do too. The Bigs are enjoying them more now that we all have a little time away from each other. I was unsure about my decision to put them in public school. I have absolutely no doubts now. The Captain is being so well looked after by his teacher and his advocate and Tinker is learning really valuable social skills and increasing her academics. I actually think these kids need school as much as they need us!
Now that the dust has settled at home I can settle back into blogging. My homeschoolers are doing great, my “regular schoolers” are fine and my little Blitz is really happy to get some Mommy to himself time. All is well in our world. How are things in yours?