The Sweetest Moments In Adoption
Grab a tissue. Here are some sweet adoption moments caught on film that have gone viral.
Adoption journeys can carry their share of obstacles, mishaps, and heartbreak, but there are lots of sweet moments, too! Sometimes, it’s the big moments–referrals, presentation rooms, birthing rooms, homecomings, first hugs, and family reunions. Sometimes it’s the quiet moments–when you’ve made up your mind to foster or adopt and how and where and why. Or when you’ve finished the last of your paperwork and know that now it’s just a matter of time and faith. Or that moment in the wee hours of the morning when you’re rocking or soothing your child to sleep. Those days when she comes to you as she makes her way through the ups and downs of friendships. Or when you’re able to comfort him after he’s had a hard day at school. The moments of growth as you witness your child begin to spread her wings on her way to independence, but still insist on bedtime kisses. Most certainly, the sweetest moments are often the ones we don’t recognize at the time as being overly significant or impactful, but look back on with full hearts as we move from phase to phase as forever families united by love.
Grab a tissue. Here are some sweet adoption moments caught on film that have gone viral.
– Watch this teen’s adoption proposal captured in emotional, viral video here.
– Watch this woman’s big reaction to a secret adoption reveal here.
– A homecoming you won’t forget: Lily & Rees Homecoming with Eric and Leslie Ludy.
– And don’t forget this sweet little boy who gets his adoption certificate as his Christmas present.
– Check out this heartwarming story of a mother who keeps a promise to her daughter’s birth mother.
– Here’s another story of a 10-year-old that asks stepdad to “make it official” in an adorable adoption proposal.
– Try not to cry when you watch this once orphan meet her new momma!
– Family is family: watch this father stop a wedding to bring his daughter’s stepfather up to help give her away.
– This darling 11-year-old asks her stepdad to adopt her and you’re probably crying by now.
What’s your sweetest adoption moment? Share in the comments below!
If you want to begin a search to find birth parents or family, visit the new search and reunion information website.