This Is Why Stepparent Adoption Rocks!
Because Parenthood Requires Love, Not DNA
The stepparent is a rapidly growing role in today’s society, one that has a great amount of influence on a child. Actually, a stepparent may even be more significant in a child’s life than a biological parent. In such cases, light is shed on why stepparents can be so important. Many of these stories that I’ve read in regards to stepparent adoption left me crying and in awe of amazement. Stepparent relationships can be so special, and here are a few reasons why!
1. Usually, when a stepparent is present in a child’s life, the family situations haven’t always been “ideal.” Obviously, some sort of separation has taken place between biological parents. Maybe a child had to experience a parent passing away, had to witness parents separating, or had to deal with a careless and absent parent. Whatever the situation has been for a stepparent coming into a child’s life, there has probably been some sort of confusion or trauma that was experienced by the children involved. On top of that, for a child to watch someone new become important to his or her mom or dad may be hard. So, for that newbie to step in and build a stable and understanding rapport is very beneficial during that time in a child’s life.
2. Stepparents have quite frequently been referred to as bonus moms and dads. The more people that are dedicated to loving a child, the better! Imagine a child has a mother and a father who have separated. Both mother and father marry again, which brings a stepfather and stepmother into this child’s life. Let’s assume the best case scenario, that all four individuals have this child’s best interest at heart. Of course, transition stages may be a little rocky, but nothing that love can’t work through. As time passes on, this child will feel all sorts of love coming from all different directions. Can you imagine having four parents who absolutely love and adore you? These situations seem to absolutely rock!
3. There are tons of videos currently trending of stepchildren asking their stepparents to adopt them. Here’s a quick warning to grab a whole box of tissues before looking up any of these videos to watch! The beautiful part to these stories is the love these children have for their stepparents as a direct result from the love these stepparents have given these children. In these captured moments, it makes one realize that loving a child has nothing to do with biology. To support, nurture, protect, love, and help mold a child is a choice, and stepparent adoption is a beautiful display of choosing this accountability.
I have great respect for bonus moms and dads who love their stepchildren as their own. For an adult to come into a child’s life with a commitment to provide whatever that child may need is honorable. In the situations where a biological parent is absolutely not present and a stepparent adopts their stepchild, it’s a powerful statement. It says, “You have always been mine,” and what a loving and bold statement that is!