Vermont Adoption Guide
Everything you need to know about adoption in Vermont
Welcome, Vermonters! This guide was written to provide you with a single place to find information about adoption within your own state. It will walk you through everything from laws that will impact your adoption to reviews of adoption service providers in Vermont.
We’ve divided this guide into five parts: first, general information about adopting in Vermont, then sections dedicated to Vermont domestic infant adoption (starting in Slide 6), foster adoption (Slide 19), international adoption (Slide 29), and stepparent adoption (Slide 33). And don’t miss our slide filled with links to helpful Vermont adoption resources (Slide 36)

2. Domestic Infant Adoption: Finalization
In Vermont after hopeful adoptive parents file a petition for adoption and the child had been placed with the parents, the child must live in the home for 6 months before an adoption becomes final.