Why Choose Adoption Over Abortion?
One is a beginning while the other is an ending. Here's why I feel you should choose adoption over abortion.
Finding yourself pregnant unexpectedly can seem devastating. There are many reasons you may end up that way. Whatever the reason is, it can feel extremely lonely even if you are not alone. Matters can get especially complicated if you have differing views than your family or friends. It may seem unfair, and you may just want it to go away. Unfortunately, genies don’t exist. You have to choose where you go from here, and it must be a decision you can live with.
Very simply put, adoption is a beginning and abortion is an end. Choosing to end a pregnancy is a very personal choice. It is one that has always been and will always be argued. When you make that choice, you will go to a bright, cold clinic. You will have a doctor remove that baby from your body, successfully ending his life. You are in pain and bleeding until your body recovers. Then you are free to resume your life, as it was before, like it never happened.
When you make the choice to place your baby for adoption, you will go to a bright, cold hospital. You will have a doctor deliver that baby from your body, successfully beginning his life. You will feel like your heart is being ripped from your chest as they give the baby to someone else. You will find some semblance of comfort in the knowledge that you handpicked the people who would be the best parents for him. That is only the beginning.
The mom and dad you matched with your birth son will feel immense joy in every smile that boy gives. They will beam with pride at his first steps. As he grows, he will touch the lives of everyone around him. He will be Sally’s first kiss and Mr. Pearson’s favorite student. He’ll be the winner of the third-grade spelling bee. He’ll have siblings, friends, coaches, and classmates. He will be unique and special to all those who love him, and he’ll make mistakes because he is human.
That boy will grow to be a man. He’ll join the military or go to college. He may become a doctor, a teacher, a police officer, or a veterinarian. No matter what profession he chooses, he will affect the lives of others. He’ll grow up to have kids, and they’ll have kids. It goes on and on.
So, while the choice is yours to make, it doesn’t just affect you. Adoption and abortion are both hard choices. Everyone in your situation struggles. Nobody gets excited about that decision to make. No matter which way you go, you will be all right in the end. That day will come and go, and your life will continue on its own path. What it really comes down to is whether or not you want this moment in time to be an end or a beginning.
Are you considering placing a child for adoption? Do you want more choices with your adoption plan? Do you want to regain more control in your life? Visit Adoption.org or call 1-800-ADOPT-98. We can help you put together an adoption plan that best meets your needs.