Why Your Stupid Fake Pregnancy Facebook Post Makes Me Want to Throw Things
When you are preparing for April Fools' Day, keep in mind how your prank will affect others.
It’s April Fools’ Day! And that means the practical jokes are in full swing. Growing up, my mom was the queen of April Fools’ Day pranks. I was the victim of some of those pranks, including the most humiliating, which included my mother passing out “NEEDS A DATE” flyers with my picture in the hallways of my high school. As I’ve grown and gotten married, I have taken on some of those traits. I have so much fun every year thinking of another prank I can pull on my poor husband.
Whether it be Saran wrap in the doorway, food coloring in the tap, or chocolate-covered raw eggs, the possibilities are endless, and I for one look forward to this holiday every year. However, there is that one joke that seems to be overdone every year, and the results aren’t as hilarious as you may have previously thought.
That’s right, I’m talking about the inevitable Fake Pregnancy Announcement.
I’m not sure what it is, but every year at least one of my Facebook friends decide to take it upon themselves to play this joke. A joke that isn’t original in the slightest, isn’t funny, and is incredibly insensitive to their many Facebook friends who struggle with infertility.
Whether you are aware of it or not, it is almost guaranteed that at least one (most likely more) of your Facebook friends are struggling with this unbearable grief. A pain that is unlike any other. A pain that no one can even begin to express unless they’ve experienced it themselves. Posting a fake pregnancy announcement can not only add to the sting of infertility, but it can also feel like a mockery of the beautiful and sacred blessing of pregnancy.
Pregnancy is often taken for granted. Considering everything that has to happen just for the egg to be fertilized, it’s amazing that more people don’t struggle. Creating a child is not something to take lightly, though it is a blessing that fertile couples often take for granted. Statistics show that 10.9% of women ages 15-44 have an impaired ability to get pregnant or carry a baby to term. On top of that, 6% of women ages 15-44 struggle with infertility, or are unable to get pregnant after 12 or more consecutive months of trying. If you think about it, that’s almost 2 out of every 10 women.
When you are preparing for April Fools’ Day, keep in mind how your prank will affect others. While you may not realize it, you could in fact be creating unnecessary pain and disappointment for someone struggling with infertility. While most are happy to hear the news of a pregnancy of friends and family, it is still hard for them to hear, so to joke about it can potentially be a kick in the face.