
Brazil Adoption Alert


Alert: Brazil Accepts Adoption Service Provider Applications for Authorization (July 28, 2014)

  • Note: Date to submit application extended through October 17, 2014

The Autoridade Central Administrativa Federal of the Secretaria de Direitos Humanos (ACAF), the Brazilian Central Authority for the Hague Adoption Convention, officially announced last week that it will accept applications from U.S. Hague accredited adoption service providers (ASPs) for authorization to provide intercountry adoption services in Brazil. Only adoption service providers that have been accredited or approved by the Council on Accreditation (COA) to provide adoption services under the Hague Adoption Convention are eligible to apply. ACAF will accept applications from U.S. ASPs beginning Saturday, June 7, 2014, through Friday, October 17, 2014.

For more details, ASPs can visit the ACAF’s website. Guidance on how to apply can be found at: ASPs can also email with questions.

Although Brazil is a party to the Hague Adoption Convention, ACAF has not yet authorized a U.S. Adoption Service Provider (ASP) to provide Hague Convention adoption services in Brazil. Brazil’s move forward towards authorizing U.S. accredited ASPs will lead to additional protections for children, prospective adoptive parents, and birth parents when intercountry adoption is deemed to be in a child’s best interests: national authorization for ASPs will provide better and more consistent protections than those currently provided by the states. U.S. citizens adopted 23 children from Brazil in FY2013 and 21 in FY2012, relying on the state Central Authorities for some of the adoption services.

Source: [1]

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