5 Tips for Writing the Interests and Activities Part of Your Adoption Profile (series, part 3)
Use your interests to set your profile apart from the rest. (Part 3: Adoption Profiles Series)
When creating your adoption profile, don’t forget to show the side of you that you like most! What interests you? What are your favorite hobbies and activities? Where have you recently on vacation? What holidays do you enjoy most? Does your family enjoy something unique? Share it!
Some people get stuck when writing about themselves. They may feel overwhelmed by what they should or shouldn’t include or have a hard time promoting themselves. Use this section of the book to tell your story—not your adoption story, but what makes you tick! Here are some suggestions for writing the interests and activities section of your adoption profile.
1. Pictures
What better way to bring a reader into a story than showing a picture? No imagination is needed if they can see how much fun you are having! You don’t have to look your best to be your best. Share memories that are important to you and capture a piece of your life that you hope to share with your new child. Make sure your pictures are in focus, pleasant to look at, and of a high enough resolution for the format your profile is being viewed in.
2. Captions
Nothing can be more confusing than seeing a picture and not knowing what is going on or who the people in the picture are with you. Don’t tell the story, though; show the story through the picture and by painting in the missing pieces with words.
3. Variety
The expectant parents want to know ALL about you, not just one piece of your life. Share a variety of images and stories to make sure you are giving a solid glance into who you are. They are trying to envision how they and their child will fit into your family, and if you leave out a lot of information they may not know what kind of family you are.
4. Travel or Home
It doesn’t matter if you are a jet setter or a homebody. Show pictures of you on vacation. Do you take a week of work to focus on home renovation projects? Do you enjoying site-seeing in your own town? Do you love road trips or rack up air miles? “A family that plays together stays together!”
5. Individuality
Not every picture needs to include every member of the household. The expecting parent(s) want to see you as individuals too. Share your personal interests or outings with friends. Do you play on a team or love to go on guy’s trips? Show it. Do you have a group of friends that gets together monthly for dinner out? Tell us how much you love that.
Creating your adoption profile can be a really fun project once you get the ball rolling. It can be simple or elaborate, but making sure you include a few key elements and keep things moving, easy to read, and clear, your profile will shine.
For tips on writing the introduction to your adoption profile, read more here. For tips on writing the bio of your adoption profile, read more here.
**Stay tuned for tips on other sections of your adoption profile**