A Long Search Ends In Heartwarming Reunion
She was abandoned as a newborn and then adopted.
Success is a wonderful word, especially when it concerns an adopted person seeking information about her biological parents. After a very long search to find her birth parents, Janet Keall was successful in that search. She was abandoned as a newborn and then adopted. After 22 years of searching, she has found four half siblings and her birth father. She and her half siblings were all abandoned without anyone’s knowledge, including her birth father. Janet used old fashioned researching, phone books, and yearbooks to find names and phone numbers.
So while it has been a shock and an emotional rollercoaster, Janet and her birth father have spent hours talking on the phone and have arranged to meet soon. “He had no idea about me at all. There certainly is a shock and sadness but in the search for my biological parents it is a happy ending. We certainly do have physical similarities. You can see it. I am so happy. I am looking forward to meeting him. It still feels surreal,” said Janet
Janet’s birth mother passed away last year, sadly just months before Janet located her. Janet’s older half sister was abandoned in 1976, Janet was abandoned in 1977, and her half brother in 1979. Janet also found information about a baby boy, abandoned in 1980, but only lived a few months, who could possibly have been her half brother. Janet’s mother also abandoned a baby in 1983 after giving birth to her but she also died shortly after birth.
Janet’s story has gained a lot of attention and she is interested in writing a book and film production of her story.
“This past year has been so shocking. I’m still processing it. But now I have this wonderful gentleman who is my father and I am so happy,” said Janet.
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