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Home > Birth Mothers' Thoughts > Adoption Adoption


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Adoption seems so simple,
and yet it causes so much pain inside

It can bring so much joy,
but snatches away a birthmother’s pride

It gives a child a family,
While it loses another

It can bring a child a better life,
but knowing nothing of its original mother

It ensures a stable future,
While forgetting about the past

It gives a child security,
While the questions asked are always last

It brings a child love,
While bringing a double self

It gives a birthmother hope to go on,
And gives the child emotions that
have never been felt

It can bring smiles and laughter,
While causing many tears

It can make a dark day shine bright,
and yet cause so many fears

While adoption can be so complex,
We might as well agree,

We may not totally understand,
but this is how God wanted it to be!

Published in Korean Quarterly Fall 98

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