Adoption Influencers: Twitter
Here are 20 adoption influencers on Twitter.
Twitter is a great place to find quick news updates and follow different adoption agencies. Here we have our top list of adoption influencers on Twitter.
1 – @adoption is run by They tweet about hopeful adoptive parents and articles focused on adoption and foster care.
2 – @BrandiRedmond is known for being part of the show, The Real Housewives of Dallas. She tweets about adoption, family, foster care, and The Real Housewives of Dallas.
3 – @TACTCare is based in the U.K., and it’s a foster and adoption charity. They tweet about foster care, foster families, and more.
4 – @GetConnectDad tweets about family, staying connected, and adoption. His Twitter account is focused on spending time with family.
5 – @DTFA is run by the Dave Thomas Foundation. They are focused on increasing adoptions from foster care. Their tweets focus on adoption and children who are in foster care.
6 – @ParentProfiles is run by to help hopeful adoptive parents and expectant women who are considering adoption plans. Most of their tweets are focused on the profiles on Parent Profiles.
7 – @Melicious_Mama tweets about adoption, family, parenting, and her blog. Additionally, her blog is linked to her Twitter account.
8 – @ReecesRainbow is focused on special needs adoption. Their tweets are focused on children and adoption.
9 – @AdoptionCouncil is run by the National Council for Adoption. They are a nonprofit focused on advocating for adoption. Their tweets are focused on adoption articles and people involved in adoption.
10 –Â @SheenaGreitens is a professor at the University of Missouri. She advocates for policy on foster care and adoption. Her tweets are focused on international relations and politics.
11 – @_ChristinaMora works as the executive director of public relations at the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. She is an advocate for foster care and adoption. Her tweets focus on government and news in Kentucky.
12 – @adopt_matters is run by Adoption Matters, a charity and independent adoption agency which is based in England. They tweet about adoption and fostering, and they offer support for families.
13 – @redheadnewsgirl is run by Lee Marshall. She is the founder of the Kids to Love Foundation which is focused on helping children in foster care. Her tweets focus on foster care, motherhood, and more.
14 – @wthrmnslaughter is run by Anthony Slaughter, a weatherman, and host on KSDK News. He is an advocate for adoption and main tweets about news in Missouri.
15 – @JenniferRStorm is the author of multiple books and she is a foster mom. Her tweets are focused on her books, helping to advocate for victims, and more.
16 – @theelephantmum is a mother and has a multicultural family. She tweets about adoption, her family, and her experiences living as an expatriate.
17 – @MyAdoptionAdvsr is an adoptive father who runs a website called My Adoption Advisor to help people in adoption. He tweets about adoption news and articles.
18 – @spencerjblake is a reporter in Arizona. He is also an adoption advocate who tweets about news in Arizona and nationwide.
19 – @AFTH_org is run by Adoptions From the Heart. They are an adoption agency that tweets about adoption and adoption articles.
20 – @Gladney_Center is an adoption agency based in Texas. They tweet about adoption and different hopeful adoptive families.
Some people share news and stories about adoption all over the world. These are some of our top picks of Twitter accounts that are current adoption influencers. Who would you add to the list?
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