Lemonade Stand Funds Adoption
9-year-old Tristan Jacobson isn’t just waiting for life to happen to him.
9-year-old Tristan Jacobson isn’t just waiting for life to happen to him. Brilliant in math and an all-around great third-grade student, Tristan, who was in the process of being adopted, worked the figures in his head and he realized he’d have to sell a lot of lemonade to help his parents afford his adoption. Tristan was removed from his home when he was 5 years old and went to live with Donnie and Jimmy Davis. They’ve been his kinship guardians for four years, but are anxious to be Tristan’s legal mom and dad. And so they’ve been saving. To help with all of the fees required to legalize an adoption, Donnie held a yard sale last Friday. But Tristan wasn’t going to let his mom do all the work, so he opened up a lemonade stand and sold tall glasses of ice-cold lemonade for a dollar each. Their hopes were that they would be able to make a good dent in the $5,000 goal they have to reach to completely pay for the adoption. Everyone around, friends and strangers alike, were drawn in. They all know: it’s one thing to help parents fund an adoption that they greatly desire. But there are especially strong tugs at the heartstrings when a child is working hard to fund his own adoption. Making a display of humanity at its best, Tristan’s lemonade stand raised a whopping $7,100! Additionally, the family created a YouCaring.com account where people all over the world could reach out and donate, and the family raised even more money. Now, with a total earnings amount of about $14,000, the family is all set to make everything legal. “She will be my parent. I’m happy because I have a new mom who loves me,” said Tristan. The full story of Tristan and his new parents can be read here.