When she’s not chaperoning field trips or chauffeuring her children around to appointments and activities, Janeris Marte of Miami, Florida, is running a business that directly benefits foster care organizations.
Marte started Louder Than DNA as a foster mom.
“Louder Than DNA began as a hashtag when I began fostering. #loveislouderthandna is what I used to keep my private pictures together on Instagram,” she said.
What started out as a simple hashtag on social media has turned into a successful business for Marte. She sells high quality t-shirts to families who believe in the message that love is louder than DNA.
“It’s exciting to see others wearing the simple phrase I used for my family – to know that I can make a difference and that I’m not alone in doing so is so awesome,” said Marte.
Each month a different foster care organization or orphanage is featured on the Louder Than DNA website. Proceeds from sales go to the featured organization.
“It is important to get the community involved in helping these organizations that are helping our kids,” she said.
Marte, who is in the process of adopting a second daughter through foster care, hopes to expand her shop and sell other products with inspiring adoption messages. She envisions eventually selling mugs, jewelry and toys in addition to t-shirts.
More information on Marte’s shop, Louder Than DNA, can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
For more adoption related gifts, visit AdoptionGifts.com.