Truly A Blessing

A birth mother reunites with her birth son.

Sonia Billadeau April 11, 2014

I would like to share my story with the world. My story is truly a blessing; never would I have thought it would be such a happy event. I placed my son for adoption– he was born December 7, 1984, in Fort Worth, TX. I was 16 years old at the time, so my parents decided for me to place my baby boy for adoption. I had few memories of my son after delivery, but I did have one thing that I’ve treasured: a baby photo when he was five days old. I’ve kept one always in my wallet and one in a frame on my nightstand. I prayed each night before I laid to rest that he was okay and when he grew up he would not hate me for the decision I was forced with at that time.

I started the search for my son in March 2003 through various adoption forums and websites. I received an email from Betsey, my Guardian Angel– she is an angel in my eyes. Betsey emailed me stating she helps birth mothers locate their adoptive children, so I emailed her back with as much information that I had. We went back and forth a few times, and she emailed me a list of adoptive males born in Fort Worth, TX on December 7, 1984. From there she eliminated by race and multi-births, and I had my list to start looking. I had always thought everyone had a Guardian Angel, and Betsey became mine. She never asked for a penny or anything in return for helping me during this very emotional time. I would love to locate her and meet her in person.

With the narrowed down list, I wrote a letter to each and every person on the list, still not knowing if my son was even on the list. I received emails and letters from the ones who were not but wished me the best in my search and said they would pray for me. These were people who didn’t even know me. I was clearing off my desk one evening towards the end of work, and my cell phone rang. I said, “Hello!” A scared, light voice said, ” Hi! This is Zac.” I didn’t know any Zac, so I paused and said, “Where do I know you from?” Zac replied, “December 7, 1984.” Tears ran down my face; my heart has never beat so fast, and the first thing I asked was if he was okay. He replied, “Yes.”

At this point, my life truly began. (I’m writing this at work, and I’m starting to cry.) I’ve been waiting for this call for 18 years, and finally that day was March 20, 2003. I ran into my boss’ office with tears in my eyes and shaking. Only one of my staff members knew I had given birth when I was 16 years old, since we had been friends since 1993. I shared my story with Melinda and Martha, and they hugged me and even cried with me. I was on top of the world. I left work and called Zachary when I got into the car; I couldn’t wait to go home to tell this amazing story to my Mom and Dad. Zachary and I talked all evening. I wanted to understand why I did what I did and make sure he had a great life with his mom and dad. Zachary asked a few questions, but the one I will never forget was, “Who has big feet?” I couldn’t stop laughing! I told him I wanted to talk to his mother to make sure she was okay with everything, because I didn’t want to just come into their lives with a bang. Zachary’s mom is Marilyn, and she is my new best friend. His father Bill is great too. To be honest, the entire family has opened their homes and heart to me; I’ve never been a part of a large family until now.

April 3, 2003, I took off around 11:00 a.m. to meet Zachary and his family. They live in the little town Clarksville, Texas. I decided to take the trip by myself. I arrived around 5:30 p.m., checked into a hotel, showered, and called Zachary and told him I was on my way. I had to call a second time because I got lost. He asked where I was, and he came to meet me. Zachary drove up about two minutes later. We both jumped out of our cars and hugged– I didn’t want to let him go. Marilyn came along as well. She got out of the car and we hugged. I had a bouquet of flowers for her. We all were very excited. Zachary was shaking when he held me. I held on to him for dear life. We all got back into our cars, drove around the corner, and we were home. At home Zachary’s dad was there. We met, ordered a pizza, and sat and talked. Zachary sat across from me, and Marilyn sat to my right. I had brought along photos of my family and friends to share with my new family and for Zachary to keep any he wanted. Marilyn had pulled out photos of Zachary from the time they brought him home from Fort Worth to present and allowed me to pick the ones I wanted to have.

Well the night was coming to an end and I retired back to the hotel. Zachary stayed the night with me. I really didn’t want to sleep that night; I wanted to just watch him sleep. The next day was Friday. We made arrangements for Zachary to give me a tour of his high school, and I met a couple of teachers, the principal, and friends. Everyone I met could not say anything but good things about Zachary. He is a very special and loving young man. Marilyn and Bill have done a TERRIFIC job in raising him to be who he is. My weekend with my son was the best ever. They even had a BBQ for me to meet the rest of the family, and I must say I love Grandmother Ruby. I lost my grandmother many years ago. I miss her so very much, but now I have one once again. Since April 3, 2003, we talk all the time, and I visit bi-weekly. I am blessed to celebrate my first Mother’s Day, high school graduation, prom, and college. Zachary stayed with me twice in Houston where he met his family and birth father. Zachary is one loved child by everyone whom he comes in touch with. I couldn’t ask for a better mom and dad than Marilyn and Bill for him, other than myself. Zac is now away at college. I was blessed to be a part of his move into his very first apartment. Did I mention what an athlete and how smart my baby is? He graduated Texas Scholar, Who’s Who’s Of American High School Students in the 10th grade, and Best Sportsmanship his senior year. I guess you can tell how proud I am of him. That’s my boy.

Sonia Billadeau

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