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Missouri adoption is one option for expectant parents facing an unplanned pregnancy or hopeful adoptive parents looking to build a forever family. You can navigate the adoption process in Missouri with the help of the Adoption.com Team. Whether you’re looking for pregnancy support or you’re trying to get the word out about your interest in adopting, we can help you get started.

Adoption Near Me

Domestic Infant Adoptions can be completed through Missouri adoption agencies and attorneys. Click here to connect with an adoption professional.

International Adoptions must be completed through adoption agencies and attorneys. You can find more information about international adoption here.

Foster Care Adoptions in Missouri can be completed through the Department of Social Services (573-522-8024).

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Adoption in Missouri

By: Caroline Bailey

Are you considering adoption and do you live in Missouri? If you are 21 years or older, can pass federal and state background checks (including child abuse and neglect screenings), have a stable income (enough to provide for yourself and a child), have stable housing, and can pass a basic medical physical, you are eligible to be an adoptive parent. Prospective adoptive parents can be married or single. However, it is important to keep in mind that some private adoption agencies in Missouri prefer married couples.

If you meet the qualifications listed above, then the first choice to make is what type of adoption you are interested in. Adoption in Missouri can occur through domestic/private agencies, international adoption, or foster care.  Domestic/private adoption occurs when a biological mother and father choose an adoption plan for their unborn child.  Domestic/private adoptions may also include stepparent adoptions and the adoption of a child by a family member or adult they have a prior relationship with.

In Missouri, adopting domestically can be done through an adoption agency or an attorney, depending on the situation.  Regardless of how you pursue domestic adoption, it is important to learn as much as you can about it.  Adoption is very complex.  Even children adopted as newborns will have questions as they grow older.  The more open and comfortable you are about a child’s history, the better off the child will be.  While adoptions in Missouri are considered legally closed, many agencies, attorneys, and adoption professionals encourage openness. Of course, child safety is paramount; however, if appropriate and safe, adoptive parents and biological parents can choose to work together for the long-term benefit of their children.

Open Adoption Benefits Adoptees

Open Adoption Advice From an Adoptive Mother

International adoption occurs when a family adopts a child from a foreign country.  Many of the same factors as domestic/private adoption also come into play with international adoption, except each country that a child is being adopted from typically has their own set of desired characteristics of adoptive parents, required financial backgrounds, preferred health statuses, and other qualifications.  Adoption agencies in Missouri who provide international services are required to abide by regulations set forth by the Hague Convention. Again, adoption in Missouri requires that a child be in your physical custody for a period of six consecutive months prior to the adoption being finalized.  This includes international adoption.

10 Most Popular Countries to Adopt From and Their Adoption Policies

Managing Your International Adoption Paperwork

7 Things You Didn’t Know About The Hague Convention

Once you have made your decision, it is time to fill out at an application with the agency or state office that you are applying with.  In Missouri, the Department of Social Services Children’s Division handles adoption out of foster care. There are also private agencies who offer domestic/private, international, and foster care adoption.  The application provides key information to agencies and is required to be in the adoption file.

On most applications, not only will you be asked to give information about yourself, but you may be asked questions surrounding adoption.  For example, you could be asked about an acceptable age range or special needs. It is important to be honest on the application, but also recognize that your considerations may change as time goes on or as you learn more about the needs of children waiting for adoption in Missouri.  Learn more about the application process.

The first thing you need to have is an approved home study. Think of a home study like a biography of your life including financial screenings, personal and employer references, medical evaluations, background checks, and a thorough walkthrough of your home.  Home studies are typically written by people who possess a bachelor’s or master’s degree in social work, counseling, psychology, or other related fields. A home study must have final approval and be signed by a master’s level professional.

The type of home study that is written usually centers around the type of adoption; however, they are all very similar.  Home studies for private/domestic and international adoptions can cost anywhere from several hundred dollars to a few thousand, depending on the agency and requirements of the state or country that you are adopting from.

Typically, a social worker visits your home up to four times during the home study process.  He or she should be doing a walkthrough of your home during these visits, gathering paperwork and discussing with you the various aspects of your current situation, history, and how adoption will affect your family.  It is key to be open in receiving information as well as asking questions. There really are no bad questions! Adoption social workers are there to help you during this huge step in your life. Learn more about the components of a home study.

Another factor to be aware of when you are considering adoption in Missouri is the timeline.  In the state of Missouri, a child must be in the prospective family’s home for six months prior to the family filing their petition for adoption.  This is required for any type of adoption. It is important for families and the child to feel comfortable with each other—to not rush the process, even though you want to.  Yes, of course, it can be hard waiting, but it is worth the wait!

Foster care adoptions in Missouri are unique from adopting domestically or internationally as they may take longer than six months before finalization.  If you are fostering a child, the court must abide by federal law in reunification efforts with the child’s biological parents.  Once the court has satisfied efforts—typically 12 out of 15 months of services—the court may proceed with the termination of parental rights.

After rights are terminated, the child is legally free for adoption. After the foster family has formally been selected as the pre-adoptive family, and the child has resided with the foster parents for a minimum of six months, the family can then proceed with petitioning the courts for final custody awarded through adoption.  Families who want to adopt a child out of state custody in Missouri are required to attend the foster parent training (STARS) and adoption training (Spaulding). These trainings are typically offered by adoption agencies that train and approve families to provide foster care services.

There are many wonderful and unique kids awaiting adoption in Missouri!  For more information about becoming a foster parent, you might want to look at these guides:

Becoming A Foster Parent

What Is Child Protective Services?

In terms of costs, adoptions in Missouri can typically cost anywhere from $5,000 up to $40,000. This includes the legal fees, medical expenses for the child, home study, and other pertinent documents that are required.  These expenses may also include services provided to the biological mother (if applicable).

While these fees seem overwhelming, especially when all you want is to parent a child who needs a family, many people of all income levels can adopt. This guide offers insight into the cost and affordability of adoption.

If you are interested in adopting a child from the Missouri foster care system, you might be surprised to learn that there is very little to no cost.  The home study and training are offered for free to interested families. While affordability should not be the only reason a family pursues adoption out of foster care, it does help to ease the financial burden that some adoptions can bring.

Missouri also participates in the federal adoption subsidy program.  This program offers a monthly payment to adoptive parents after the adoption is finalized and until the child is 18-years-old.  The adoption subsidy can also include the legal fees of the adoption, daycare expense, and health insurance (MO Healthnet). While some families initially feel awkward about accepting the adoption subsidy, they are strongly encouraged to do so.  Due to the trauma a child has been through, potential unknown medical and genetic factors that could come into play as the child ages, and the need for resources and support of adoptive families, the subsidy can offer financial assistance in dealing with these varying issues.

It should be noted that children adopted through domestic/private or international adoption are not eligible for the federal adoption subsidy program.  Here is a very good article regarding the adoption subsidy. Most agencies in Missouri that work with foster children and help to facilitate foster care adoptions will have knowledge about the adoption subsidy program as well as other benefits for foster/adoptive families and children.

If adoption has crossed your mind a time or two, perhaps, it is time to pursue it!  Adoption brings families together. It offers children the permanency of feeling loved and the foundation of stability.  Most of all, it demonstrates the undeniable truth that being wanted is one of the greatest needs for children who wait. Adoption is not easy, nor it is always a smooth process, but it is definitely life-changing for all involved.

Adoption in Missouri happens all of the time.  From each corner of the state to the big cities and small towns, Missouri families offer hope, stability, and love to children in need.  If you are interested in adoption and happen to live in Missouri, perhaps one day, you will join the many other Missouri families who have said yes to adoption.

The information contained on this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice. Always seek the advice of a licensed and qualified professional. While the content of this website is frequently updated, information changes rapidly and therefore, some information may be out of date, and/or contain inaccuracies, omissions or typographical errors.

Can I Adopt in Missouri?

Applicants in Missouri must be at least 21 years old in order to adopt or foster. You can be single or married. Parents need good physical and mental health. All applicants must have a stable source of income, live in a home that meets state requirements, and be willing to keep in touch with the child’s birth family. Parents will need to pass a criminal background check.

What Adoption Regulations Exist in Missouri?

Advertising: An individual or organization commits the crime of child trafficking when they offer, give, or receive, or solicits any money or anything of value for the delivery of a child to another person or organization. A crime is not committed if a person utilizes a child placing agency and lawfully pays for legal services in connection with that agency.  Â§ 568.175; 453.014

Relinquishment: Birth parent must wait at least 48 hours after the birth of their child to relinquish parental rights. Consent is final when executed unless the consenting party proves before the final adoption adoption decree that consent came by fraud or duress. § 453.030

Birth parent expenses: The following expenses are permitted in Missouri: counseling services for the parent or child, hospital expenses, preplacement expenses, reasonable legal expenses, living expenses, and other expenses the court deems necessary. § 453.075(1)

Post-adoption contact agreements: Missouri leaves decisions about contact between birth parents and adoptive parents after adoption finalization to the adoptive parents. At the time of this writing contact agreements are not legally enforceable in Missouri. § 453.080(4)

Birth father rights: A putative father registry exists in Missouri for unmarried fathers who wish to receive notice of adoption proceedings. § 192.016

Finalization: Out of 1,258 adoptions completed in 2014, the average time between TPR and adoption finalization was 6.8 months. (acf.hhs.gov)

Review Missouri adoption laws in detail.

Is Adoption Assistance Available in Missouri?

Many of the children waiting to be adopted in Missouri have special needs. Federal (Title IV-E) and state (non-IV-E) programs exist to help adoptive parents meet their child’s needs. In Missouri, the maximum monthly amount ranges from $232-313. For more information please visit NACAC.org.

Can I adopt a Child from another country?

It is always possible to adopt a child from another country, even if you live in the United States. Children under 18 adopted from a Hague Convention country entering the U.S. with an IH-3 visa may automatically receive U.S. citizenship.

Children adopted from a non convention country must qualify as orphans before receiving U.S. citizenship. When U.S. citizens finalize an adoption abroad, they must apply to the USCIS for an IR-3 visa for the child. An IR-3 visa classifies the child as an immigrant and provides the child with citizenship upon arrival in the States.

Parents wishing to receive a State birth certificate for their child must submit a validation or readoption of a foreign adoption to a State court.

State Contacts

Gallery of children waiting to be adopted: https://adoption.com/photolisting?page=1&search_type=region&range=UnitedStates

State subsidy contact:

Amy Martin

DSS/Children’s Division

615 Howerton Court

P.O. Box 88

Jefferson City, MO 65109


Fax: 573-526-3971



Adoptions in Missouri can be completed through the Department of Social Services.

Applicants must be at least 21 years old. You can own or rent. Parents can be single, married, or divorced. You must complete a home study.

Only licensed child placing agencies may accept a fee for services provided in connection with child placement.

Birth parents must wait at least 48 hours after birth to release their parental rights. Consent is irrevocable unless the consenting party proves before the final adoption decree that consent came under fraud or duress.

Acceptable birth parent expenses include counseling services for the parent or child, hospital expenses, preplacement expenses, reasonable legal expenses, living expenses, and other expenses the court deems necessary.

Post adoption contact agreements are not legally enforceable in Missouri. A putative father registry exists for unmarried fathers to receive notice of adoption proceedings.

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