Teen Mom Couple Visits Birth Daughter For First Time In 2 Years
"Seeing Carly & Nova playing together . . . omg you guys!"
Teen Mom’s Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra were elated to be reunited with their 8-year-old birth daughter, Carly, on Aug 21. The couple had been denied visitation by her adoptive parents for the last two years. It was an exquisite day. Carly spent time getting to know her 2-year-old sister, Nova. That day Tyler tweeted, “Seeing Carly & Nova playing together, Carly pushing Nova in the stroller and holding her, omg you guys!”
Adoptive parents Brandon and Teresa had denied visitation to the MTV stars for the past two years. Catelynn and Tyler had been asked not to post pictures of their daughter on social media, as Carly’s adoptive parents desperately wanted to keep the child out of the spotlight. The last time Catelynn and Tyler had seen Carly was at their wedding in 2015. When the ceremony was aired on a Teen Mom episode, the girl’s face was blurred.
Catelynn originally appeared on 16 & Pregnant. She and Tyler publicly told their story about choosing to place Carly in an open adoption. An open adoption is when a child’s biological and adoptive parents have access to each other’s personal information with an option of contact.
Tyler and Catelynn have recently answered questions about the adoption being open. They explained that they are not Carly’s parents, only her birth parents. They don’t have a say in how she is raised, and they understand that her adoptive parents always do what they feel is best for her. Now that everyone seems to be on the same page, they are hoping to continue regular visitations. Catelynn says the relationship with Brandon and Teresa is “very open” and things are “very good.”