Lane from China

from China
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location China
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number LaneChina
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What an amazing kid! Lane is 9 ½ years old. He enjoys reading and drawing. He is generous and outgoing.
Lane has strong self care ability. He is close to his caretakers. He is willing to make new friends. He is helpful in caring for the younger kids in the SWI.
Lane is described as active, clever, curious and has a strong learning and imitating ability. Despite his limited verbal communication skills, he uses simple lip language, motions and expressions to communicate. His file notes he has strong logic thinking and receptivity. According to his file, Lane’s motor and intelligence development is the same as his peers. He is receiving hearing and speech training since receiving his cochlear implant.
Lane's need is listed as bilateral extremely severe sensorineural deafness, post-op cochlear implant.
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