BECKHAM from European Union

from European Union
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number BECKHAM-EU
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Beckham was born in February 2015 and has since experienced multiple placements within state care. He has been diagnosed with arthrogryposis, cerebral palsy, and ptosis of the left eye. His development is delayed.
Update September 2022: Our in-country representative visited Beckham and was very impressed with his skills. He eats and drinks independently and cleans up after himself. His mobility is quite good, and he navigates within the group home without assistance and can even access playground equipment with little help. The entire staff of the group home adores Beckham and speaks positively of him. They describe him as a curious boy who is actively involved in daily life. He easily learns the rules to new games and activities and enjoys praise. At this time, Beckham is the child with the most advanced development in the group home and it is clear that he needs more cognitive stimulation, targeted therapies, and opportunities to experience the world to reach his full potential.
July 2022: After orthopedic intervention, Beckham can walk independently and use his arms and hands for activities such as inset puzzles, eating, and scribbling. Although nonverbal, Beckham understands and executes complex instructions. He is described as a cheerful, radiant, and curious boy who respects authority and behaves appropriately in most situations. Emotionally responsive, Beckham seeks help from others as needed and understands when he has done something wrong. He requires assistance with daily hygiene and appears trip-trained in terms of bathroom needs.
Beckham attends a preparatory class at a mainstream school and also works under an Individualized Education Program in a Center for Educational Support. He enjoys the company of other children and works well both in one on one and group settings. He plays with toys and likes listening to music.
Beckham would do well in a loving family with the right resources to help him thrive.