BOOKER from European Union

from European Union
- Age 8
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number BOOKER-EU
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Booker was born prematurely in May 2017 and had a difficult neonatal course, requiring hospital care for three months. He has been diagnosed with moderate developmental delays as well as congenital megaureters and bilateral hydronephrosis. He experienced multiple hospitalizations and antibiotic treatment before he received surgical intervention via urethrotomy at the age of 12 months.
Update July 2022: Booker continues to be in relatively good physical health and is being monitored regularly for his kidney condition. He is now able to walk short distances with support but is observed to toe walk. Booker shows some rudimentary interest in toys like balls and Legos and enjoys being outdoors and listening to music. He is not aggressive toward others, but repetitive stereotypic movements persist, and he is not attached to any caretakers although he accepts physical affection. His expressive and receptive language development is extremely delayed, and he does not successfully use other forms of communication.
Energetic Booker currently functions at the level of an infant and requires constant supervision and care from adults. He can sit independently as well as crawl but does not yet walk. He is non-verbal, does not carry out simple instructions, makes low eye contact and does not participate in joint attention or activities. While he appears aware of auditory and visual stimuli in his environment, he does not show much reaction to them. Overall, he does not appear to have any preferences for certain people, places, objects or pursuits. Booker displays stereotypic movements and auto aggression as a means of seeking sensory input.
Booker works with a multidisciplinary team of specialists. A family interested in adopting Booker should be prepared for additional diagnoses to be received post-adoption and for long-term medical and therapeutic needs.