EMILIO from European Union

from European Union
- Age 7
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number EMILIO-EU
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Emilio was born very prematurely from a twin pregnancy in March 2018 and after a lengthy hospital stay lived with his family of origin until he turned one. Since then, he has resided in two different orphanages. Emilio has been diagnosed with epilepsy – grand mal seizures which are medication resistant, infantile cerebral palsy, spastic quadriparesis, hypotrophy, mixed specific disorders of the psychological development, cataract in the left eye which has been surgically treated, and brain cysts.
Emilio functions at the level of a young infant with very limited mobility. He does not react to many environmental stimuli and does not initiate interactions. When upset, he can be calmed by close contact with an adult. Emilio is completely dependent on caretakers to assist with his daily needs, including feeding through an NG-tube. A family interested in this sweet child must be prepared to meet his complex, life-long needs.