Lilia from European Union

from European Union
- Age 20
- Gender Female
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number LILIA-EU
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Lilia was born in March 2016 at low birthweight with an intraamniotic infection. She had a difficult neonatal course and spent her first 32 days of life in the hospital. Lilia then lived with her family of origin until December 2016 at which point she was placed into state care due to intensive medical needs. Lilia has been diagnosed with mild hydrocephalus, congenital dyserythropoietic anemia for which she needs frequent blood transfusions, symptomatic epilepsy caused by viral encephalitis, hepatitis secondary to CMV, and developmental delay. Lilia has had dozens of hospitalizations, including surgical correction of her club feet in June 2020, and has regular consultations with a neurologist and hematologist.
A restless girl, Lilia reacts to visual, auditory, and tactile stimuli. She can walk when held by one hand and aspires to have even more mobility. She is joyful in interactions with adults and children but does not seem to understand much of what is said to her. Lilia babbles but remains nonverbal at this time. She reaches for toys and plays with them as she is able. Lilia depends on the care of adults for all tasks of daily living.
Weight at birth: 1.800 kg
Height at birth: 42 cm
Head circumference at birth: 28 cm
Weight June 2021: 12.500 kg
Height June 2021: 100 cm
Head circumference June 2021: 48 cm